[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Thu, 9 Oct 2003 07:54:31 -0400

What's New on NetWellness- October 9, 2003

Feature of the Month: Domestic Violence

Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women in the United
States. Our Domestic Violence experts from the University of Cincinnati
College of Medicine and The Ohio State University College of Medicine and
Public Health are available to answer your questions. In addition,
NetWellness provides specific information on this subject as well as sources
for help within the state of Ohio and nationwide. 

Feature Department: Surgery

The department of surgery at the University of Cincinnati has a long and
noted history. Under the current leadership of Jeffrey B. Matthews, M.D.,
the sixth Christian R. Holmes Professor of Surgery, the department has grown
to 92 full time nationally and internationally renowned faculty. These
surgeons provide their expertise to NetWellness in several areas, most
notably in colorectal diseases, vascular surgery, lung and respiratory
diseases, obesity and weight management, and breast cancer. The department
looks forward to increasing its participation and to providing information
NetWellness visitors need. 

More and More Experts

NetWellness welcomes several new experts this month, bringing the total
number of participating faculty from NetWellness' partner universities to
221. They join faculty in answering questions on the following topics:

Dental Anesthesia
M. Cynthia Fukami, D.M.D., M.S., Clinical Assistant Professor at The Ohio
State University College of Dentistry will be answering questions in the
Dental Anesthesia area.

Alzheimer's Disease
Karen J. Long, MSN, CRNP, Gerontological Nurse Practitioner and Leighanne K.
Hustak, ND, CNP, Family Nurse Practitioner from the University Memory and
Aging Center at Case Western Reserve University will be answering your
questions about Alzheimer's disease. 

Kidney Diseases
Melissa A. Horn, MSN, CFNP, CNN, CCTC from the Frances Payne Bolton School
of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University will be answering questions on
Kidney Diseases. 

Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Marion Good, PhD, Associate Professor from the Frances Payne Bolton School
of Nursing at Case Western Reserve University will be answering questions on
Complementary and Alternative Medicine.

Let Us Know How We're Doing

We are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we do well? What
can we do to better fit your needs? Please send your comments through our
"Feedback" feature and we'll get them into the right hands. Thanks again for
using NetWellness!

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty at
the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio
State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of the first
health sites on the Internet.