Judith Perella jperella@ashland.edu
Thu, 07 Jul 2005 16:41:23 -0400

Please excuse cross-postings.   Thank you.


Join us for the 31st Annual Conference of the Academic Library Association =
of Ohio on Friday, November 4, 2005.  The conference will be held at the =
Fawcett Center, Columbus, Ohio - easy to get to, plenty of free parking.  =
Our keynote speaker will be Joe Raiola, Senior Editor of MAD Magazine, who =
promises a thought-provoking and entertaining address on censorship and =
the challenges it poses to librarians as they attempt to balance issues of =
accessibility, privacy, protection of patrons, and good taste.  Camila =
Alire, president of ACRL, will be the luncheon speaker, and will also lead =
a conference session on advocacy issues.  Registration is now open - sign =
up by September 1 for a $10 early bird discount!  To register and find =
more information, visit the conference web site at http://www.alaoweb.org/0=

Judy Perella, MLIS
Reference Librarian
Ashland University Library
401 College Avenue (U.S. mail)
509 College Avenue (UPS)
Ashland, OH   44805
419-289-5427 (voice)
419-289-5422 (fax)