[OPLINLIST] CO-ASIS&T Program Reminder for "Blogs & RSS & Aggregators, Oh My!"

Patricia Furney PFURNEY at columbuslibrary.org
Wed Jan 18 09:52:46 EST 2006

If you have already sent your RSVP, please disregard this message.
For those of you who have not yet sent an RSVP, here is an
announcement with some additional information about our
first program for 2006.

You are invited to join us for the first program of 2006:
"Blogs and RSS and Aggregators, Oh My!"
Featuring Ginny Browne, Knowledge Management Librarian
in the Library & Information Center at OCLC.

What is RSS?  Do you know the difference between a blog
and RSS?  What are the benefits for the individual, for
the library?  Does RSS really make the information environment
better for the information consumer? Join us on Tuesday January 31st
for the presentation and discussion.

WHERE:  Kilgour Auditorium at OCLC
see location information and map at

WHEN:  Tuesday, January 31, 2006
6:30 - 7:00 p.m. - Refreshments
7:00 - 8:00 p.m. - Program and Q & A

Everyone is welcome to attend this FREE event.
Please make reservations with Patricia Furney at
pfurney at columbuslibrary.org 

Speaker Ginny Browne currently serves as Knowledge 
Management Librarian in the Library & Information
Center at OCLC. Previously, she worked at Sterling Commerce
in internal knowledge management. She received her MLS
from Kent State Univerisity, and a BA in Philosophy from
California University of Pennsylvania.  In her current position,
she also has responsibility for the intranet portal.  She has
created and maintained blogs, both internal and public. Ginny
has taught a number of workshops on using RSS feeds and 
setting up aggregators, and has served as a resource for
OCLC groups that set up blogs and RSS feeds.

Central Ohio Chapter
American Society for Information Science & Technology
Posted to multiple lists - please excuse cross posting.

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