[OPLINLIST] Nate the Great Reader's Script...

Barb Scott barbarascott1956 at yahoo.com
Thu Dec 13 16:12:12 EST 2007

Hello, great brains!
  Does anybody out there in Libraryland happen to have the book A Guide to Using Nate the Great in the Classroom? 
  If so, would it be possible to fax me a copy of the Reader's Theatre script that's in it?  I'd like to take a look at it before I invest in the entire book.  I am planning to do a Nate the Great program in February, and I have talked with our YA librarian, whose Teen Advisory Board wants to be more involved in kid's programs.  We thought that a Reader's Theatre event for my special programs would be great!
  On that same note, does anyone know of a Ramona script that would be willing to send/fax to me?
  My fax here at Bucyrus Public Library is 419-562-7437.
  Barbara Scott, Children's Librarian
  Bucyrus Public Library
  200 East Mansfield Street
  419-562-7327, x104
  Bucyrus, OH  44820

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