[OPLINLIST] Teaching with Primary Sources--A Workshop Series for Teachers and Library Media Specialists

SWON Libraries info at swonlibraries.org
Thu Apr 16 12:11:03 EDT 2009

*This announcement has been posted to several lists.  Our apologies for 
any duplication.

Please forward to any teachers or Library Media Specialists who might me 
interested in attending this workshop. You can take this workshop for 
**Graduate Level Credit (2 Quarter Credit Hours from Wright State 
University)* *or non-credit. If you have any questions, call the SWON 
Libraries Office at 513-751-4422.

    Teaching with Primary Sources--A Workshop Series for Teachers and
    Library Media Specialists



      Date & Time

Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. (Each Day for Three Sessions in Series (June 23, 
July 21, and August 11)


Xavier University
McDonald Library
3800 Victory Parkway
Cincinnati, OH 45207

*Class Dates:* June 23, July 21, and August 11


*Pamela L. Baker, Ph.D.* is the Director of The Center for the 
Enhancement of Teaching and Learning at the University of Cincinnati. 
She has a doctorate in History, master of arts in History, and bachelor 
of arts in History from the University of Illinois at Chicago. She has 
been an assistant professor in the Department of History at the 
University of Cincinnati since 2002. Dr. Baker has also taught at 
Columbus State University in Georgia.

*Reagan L. Grimsley* is currently a ABD Candidate for a doctorate in 
History at Georgia State University. He is an assistant professor of 
History at Auburn University. He has a joint master of arts in History 
and master of Library and Information Science as well as a bachelor of 
science in History and minor in Sociology from the University of 
Southern Mississippi. Reagan has also taught at Auburn Columbus State 
University in Georgia. Mr. Grimsley has participated in many academic 
and community presentations.


The use of primary sources in the classroom is a great way to stimulate 
curiosity and to encourage critical thinking skills in your students. 
This program is aimed at teams of teachers and library media specialists 
who will take this course together so the use of primary sources can be 
properly integrated into the classroom.

Priority registration will be granted to TEAMS of teachers and library 
media specialists / librarians. Each team must have at least one 
librarian and at least one teacher. A single librarian should feel free 
to team with several teachers. If additional seats are still available 
near the end of the registration period, current students and 
individuals not on teams will be allowed to register. NOTE---please 
indicate your team partner in the "comments" field of the registration form.

The three classroom dates are all day long and will take place in the 
summer of 2009 on the following dates: June 23, July 21, and August 11. 
In between these meeting dates, students will participate in online 
activities and discussions as assigned by the instructors.

You can take this course for credit or non-credit. If you are taking 
this course for credit, you will receive two graduate level quarter 
credit hours from Wright State University. (Payment should be made to 
SWON Libraries--we will handle the paperwork for your credit prior to or 
at the initial workshop session.)


*June 23* - Introduction to the Course
Identifying and Analyzing Primary Sources
Locating and learning to use online primary source collections, 
including authentication of these sources.

*July 21* - Develop learner centered handouts/activities to help 
students identify/describe and analyze primary sources as well as 
authentic primary source website and individual documents. Begin working 
on a classroom activity/assignment gear at utilizing online primary sources.

*August 11* - Refine handouts and classroom based activities and work on 
final assembly of teaching portfolio including reflective narrative.

. Identify and define the difference between a primary and a secondary 
. Analyze primary sources.
. Locate and learn to navigate a variety of online source materials with 
a particular focus on the American Memory Collection on the Library of 
Congress website.
. Learn to authenticate a primary source website as well as a single 
online primary source.
. Create a database of online URLs for future use.
. Learn to properly cite online sources.
. Develop strategies for integrating online primary sources into the 
teaching curriculum.
. Create a learner-centered assignment or activity which can be 
implemented at your school for the 2009-2010 academic year.

The Teaching With Primary Sources Program from the Library of Congress 


Breakfast and Lunch will be provided at all sessions.


Library Media Specialists and Teachers


The deadline to register is Thursday, June 11th, 2009

    * *For Graduate Level Credit (2 Quarter Credit Hours from Wright
      State University)*
      $300 (Indicate team partner in comments field)
    * *Non-Credit*
      $50 (Indicate team partner in comments field)

*If you have any questions, call the SWON Libraries Office at 
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