Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Thu Apr 1 12:26:16 EDT 2010

Wouldn't that mean they are receiving stolen goods? You 
could...mention...that to them and ask that they contact you if they 
receive any other media marked as being from your library. You could 
also mention that you and your staff will help to watch for any more 
library materials that make it past management's watchful eyes and into 
the store's inventory.

Chad Neeper
Senior Systems Engineer

Level 9 Networks
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

--   Full LAN/WAN consulting services   --
-- Specialized in libraries and schools --

Kathy Pape wrote:
> Just wanted to share a story with the library community.  I paid a visit 
> to a local media "buy back" store and was shocked to find several DVDs 
> that they had purchased from individuals and put on their shelves to 
> sell.  They were clearly marked with all library processing.  They let 
> me have them back free of charge.  When I checked them in my system, 
> they were either still checked out to a patron or marked as lost in the 
> system.  Could this be happening in your community?
> Kathy Pape
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