[OPLINLIST] Paid time off responses

Marsha Wagner mwagner at canalfultonlibrary.org
Thu Apr 8 14:15:04 EDT 2010

Thanks to all who responded to my request for paid time off polices. I attached policies and smaller responses are cut & pasted to this e-mail below. As you can see I had a little trouble with formatting. Not interested, just hit the delete key.

Henderson PL-Policy Attached above 
 policy-personnel-8.4pto.doc (39KB),  policy-personnel-8.3.doc (40KB),
We are a very small library also. We have 6.25 FTEs. An employee could take as much time off as he had banked, as long as I approve it. I would certainly do that for a serious situation. After his leave is exhausted, he could request a leave of absence, which must be approved by the board. We've never had a situation where a full timer wanted to work part time and retain benefits. I would assume our policies would kick in which says if he works less than 40 hours but more than 25, insurance is paid at 25% and the PTO would accrue accordingly. PTO can be used for anything here--sickness, extra vacation, personal, etc.

Carnegie Public Library
We have a union and talked about it in ourlast negotiations but ended up not going that direction. 
ClevelandHeights-University Heights Public Library
We have ETO and sick time, so it is not in one account. 

Norwalk Public Library

NPL is a Union library. Each employee has several accounts forpaid time off.
Employees earn “Sick” time at different accrualrates depending on how many hours worked weekly. There’s no limit on howmuch sick time an employee can earn. 
“Vacation” time is earned according to hours workedweekly, the length of time employed and starts with two weeks after the firstyear of employment. They cannot carry more than one work week’s worth of hoursover the allowed total per year. 
At retirement or resignation an employee can receive payment forone fourth of their accrued sick time and all of their earned vacation time.
According to the contract we have twelve “Paid Holidays”yearly (negotiations are pending for a contract that ends 12-31-2010).
Paid “Emergency/Personal” time depends on how manyhours regularly worked. Full time employees (30 hours or more a week) may use15 hours P/E per year and part time (less than 30 hours per week) may use 12.5P/E hours per year. They do not have to use all these hours but usually do,especially in winter.
NORWALK Contract:

Section 15.2. Useof Sick Leave

Section 15.2 B readsas follows:

B.Forabsence of the employee due to illness of a member of the employee’simmediate family. 
For the purposes of thissection, “immediate family” is defined as the father, mother,brother, sister, son, daughter, spouse, grandmother, grandfather, grandson,granddaughter, aunt, uncle, father-in-law, mother-in-law, brother-in-law, sister-in-law,or stepchild of the said employee and any other resident in the household ofthe employee.

1.If anyemployee is absent not more than five (5) consecutive workdays because of the illnessof a member of the employee’s immediate family, the employee need onlymake the report of absence required by this agreement in order to be eligiblefor sick leave with pay for such absence.

2.If anemployee is absent in excess of five (5) consecutive scheduled workdays forthis reason, the employee must provide the Director with a doctor’scertificate setting forth the identity of the patient, the nature of theillness involved, and the need for the absence of the employee, in order forthe employee to be eligible for sick leave with pay for such absence.

Columbus Public Library 

For what it's worth, Columbus Metro used PTO when I was there, and I believe that they still do. I think that Mark Millwater (mmillwater at columbuslibrary.org) would be a good contact for more info.
MarysvillePublic Library
See attachment  PTO policy309update-1.txt (10KB)
Mary Lou Johnson Hardin County District Library see attachment:  Paid Time Off.docx (11KB)

Akron Summit County PL

3.106 Sick Leave 
All regular full-time employees shall be entitled to 135.20 hours of sick leave with pay for each 52-week period of service, which is earned at the rate of 2.60 hours per week or 5.20 hours per bi-weekly pay period. All regular part-time employees shall be entitled to pro-rated sick leave based upon the hours authorized for the employee’s position. For instance, regular part-time employees who are authorized to work 22.5 hours per week, or 45 hours per bi-weekly pay period, shall be entitled to 81.12 hours of sick leave with pay for each 52-week period of service, which is earned at a rate of 1.56 hours per week or 3.12 hours per bi-weekly pay period.
Employees are expected to be regular in their attendance; however, they are eligible to use sick leave as it is earned in cases of personal or family illness, and medical, dental, or optical examinations or treatment of an employee or a member of the employee’s immediate family. Excessive use of sick leave is discouraged. An employee will not be paid for sick leave in excess of the sick leave earned. An employee who has exhausted all earned sick leave may request in writing to use earned vacation leave to cover time lost due to illness.
The total accumulation of sick leave allowed for regular full-time employees is 1200.00 hours. Employees who have accumulated the maximum sick leave may, during any given year, earn and use up to 135.20 hours of sick leave without affecting their maximum accumulation.
The total accumulation of sick leave allowed for regular part-time employees authorized to work 22.5 hours per week is 720.00 hours. Employees who have accumulated the maximum sick leave may, during any given year, earn and use up to 81.12 hours of sick leave without affecting their maximum accumulation.
The total accumulation of sick leave allowed for regular part-time employees authorized to work other than 22.5 hours per week will be a pro-rated number of hours of sick leave as determined by the Human Resources Department. A maximum number of accumulated sick leave hours shall also be determined by the Human Resources Department.
Direct compensation for unused sick leave at the time of retirement cannot be paid to an employee; however, a portion of the unused sick leave may be credited towards retirement pay. (SeeSection 3.210 Retirement Pay.)
An employee shall be charged for sick leave only for days upon which he or she would otherwise have been scheduled to work. Sick leave payment shall not exceed the normal scheduled workday or workweek. 
When unable to report for work, an employee is expected to follow the procedure for reporting off work found in Section 2.200 of theEmployee Handbook.
To document the use of sick leave, the employee is required to attach a signed sick leave affidavit to their time card. Use of sick leave for five or more consecutive

Page 55 3/31/96
working days due to the illness of an employee or a member of their immediate family shall require written certification from a health care provider. The certificate must state the date upon which the employee will be able to return to work. This certificate must be submitted to the employee’s immediate supervisor before the employee will be permitted to return to work. The certificate must also specify any work-related restrictions placed upon the employee by the health care provider, along with a date upon which the employee is expected to return to regular duty.
Employees failing to comply with sick leave rules and regulations shall not be paid for time lost. An employee who willfully and knowingly falsifies sick leave on a time card will be subject to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Immediate Family: Spouse; unmarried individual serving in the role of a spouse; mother, father, grandmother, grandfather, sister, brother, daughter, son, and equivalent ‘in-law’; granddaughter, grandson; stepmother, stepfather, stepdaughter, stepson, stepsister, stepbrother; ward; legal guardian, or other person serving in the role of a parent. (For Compassionate Leave only, aunts, uncles, nieces, and nephews shall also be considered ‘Immediate Family’.)

Marsha Wagner 
Canal Fulton Public Library 
154 Market St. NE 
Canal Fulton, OH 44708 
330 854-4148; fax 330 8549520 

"All that mankind has done, thought, gained or been; it is lying as in magic preservation in the pages of books." Thomas Carlyle
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