[OPLINLIST] Library Renewal: more information

mweaver939@roadrunner.com mweaver939 at roadrunner.com
Fri Nov 12 15:04:04 EST 2010

I have received some requests for more information about Library Renewal so I thought I'd share that information here, as well. 
Library Renewal is a non-profit. Those of us who are involved at this stage are doing this on our own time, and Library Renewal is not affiliated with any organization or company. 
As the organization heads towards launch, the board is small but it will grow. 
The president is: 
Michael Porter 
Communication Manager at WebJunction, Consultant and Author. 
The other board members are: 
David Lee King 
Digital Branch Manager at the Topeka & Shawnee County Public Library, Consultant 
and Author. 
Gina J. Millsap 
Executive Director of Topeka and Shawnee County Public Library 
Jason Griffey 
Head of Library Information Technology at the University of Tennessee at 
Chattanooga, Consultant and Author. 
And me, the Web Librarian at Westlake Porter Public Library. 
As media consumption moves away from physical formats and toward digital formats, Library Renewal's purpose is to bring about new electronic content distribution infrastructure that is in line with the missions of public libraries. 
We will do this through: 
Representation - Library Renewal will represent libraries and patrons as it 
provides leadership in pursuit of solutions for electronic content access. 
Strategic partnerships - Library Renewal will build relationships between the 
library community and key technology and content industries. 
Grassroots communications - We want to bring together people - library staff and 
customers - who care about these issues and give them an opportunity to get 
We won't officially launch until the end of the year. So for now, sign up for 
updates on our website (http://libraryrenewal.org/). You can follow us on 
Twitter (@libraryrenewal) or like our facebook page 
If you have any questions, contact me directly. Also, I'm on facebook 
(facebook.com/mattrweaver) and twitter (@mattrweaver). 
Matt Weaver 
Library Renewal 

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