[OPLINLIST] eBooks for your Library - Ohio eBook Project Enrollment Open

Katrina Miday kmiday at library.ohio.gov
Thu May 12 14:30:47 EDT 2011

(Apologies for the cross postings.)



More information about the Ohio eBook Project Enrollment after the quiz.


Ohio eBook Project Digital Media Compatibility Quiz:

Has your library gotten questions about eBooks and digital media?


Did your patrons get e-reader devices for Christmas last year?

YES                 NO

Are your patrons looking for something to listen to during their daily

YES                 NO

Do your patrons want something from the library to put on their nook?

YES                 NO

Does your library want to provide eBook compatibility with the Kindle?

YES                 NO

Is your library wondering how your library could afford to provide
digital content that the patrons are demanding?

YES                 NO

Do your patrons want access to library materials without leaving their

YES                 NO

Has your library board asked why you aren't providing eBooks yet?

YES                 NO

Is high speed internet access becoming more common in your community?

YES                 NO


If you answered YES for:

1-2 Questions:  Sorry, you and digital media don't have much in common.
You should still give them a call; maybe you share more interests than
you think!

3-5 Questions:  Digital media and your library may not share all of the
same interests, but will definitely have a good time on a date and be
best friends for life!

6+  Questions:  Digital Media and your library are a perfect match, why
aren't you already together?!  The first time you see each other you'll
know it was meant to be!


If you scored anything on the quiz above, contact Katrina Miday at the
State Library of Ohio, oep at library.ohio.gov, by Tuesday, June 14, 2011,
to find out more about enrolling in the Ohio eBook Project!


If you enjoyed this quiz, don't forget to forward it to your friends!





The Ohio eBook Project (OEP) is a consortium of more than 60 Ohio
libraries that have access to 18,000 copies of over 13,000 titles. The
eBook Project consortium allows Ohio libraries to provide digital
materials to their patrons at a considerable savings. All member
libraries add to, and share the digital materials collection.  In
addition to the Ohio eBook Project collection, patrons also have access
to the SEO Library Digital collection!


Formats offered include: eBooks in Adobe PDF, Adobe EPUB and Mobipocket
formats; audiobooks in WMA and MP3 formats; music; and video.


Patrons can download and use digital media at home, in the office, or on
the go with compatible mobile devices.  Downloads of audio and video
files are allowed within the library by using OverDrive Download Station


Visit the Ohio eBook Project catalog at http://ohdbks.lib.overdrive.com
<http://ohdbks.lib.overdrive.com/>  to view the collection. The vendor
for this consortium is OverDrive, Inc., an Ohio company providing
downloadable digital materials to libraries throughout the world.   


Members of the Ohio eBook Project are required to: 

*         Contribute a minimum of 2% or $1,000 (whichever is greater) of
your library's collection budget towards digital content purchases;

*         SIP/SIP2, Patron API, or RPA compliance is preferred but not
required.  Talk to your ILS vendor about upgrading and ask if any costs
are involved.  If your library is not compliant there is an alternative
authentication method, please contact oep at library.ohio.gov for more

*         There is no longer a $1,500 setup fee!


More information is available at


If you are interested in joining the Ohio eBook Project for an August
31, 2011 launch, please contact Katrina Miday by Tuesday, June 14, 2011,
as all necessary paperwork is due June 24, 2011. oep at library.ohio.gov or
at 614-466-1710.



Katrina L. Miday

Library Consultant - Technology

State Library of Ohio

274 East 1st Avenue, Suite 100

Columbus, OH 43201

Tel: 614-466-1710

Fax: 614-466-3584

www.library.ohio.gov <http://www.library.ohio.gov/> 

"The State Library of Ohio provides services and resources to assist
State government and libraries in providing the best service to all."

Share your story

Visit http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story
<http://library.ohio.gov/state-librarian/share-your-story>  to tell how
the State Library has impacted you!


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