[OPLINLIST] Possible scam/ hacker/ virus?

James Guilford james.guilford at westlakelibrary.org
Thu Oct 25 21:51:20 EDT 2012

I don't know what the scam or mistake may be but your email is managed by OPLIN. Contact support.oplin.org via email or telephone them if you have any doubt about your OPLIN mail account.

 Otherwise, simply delete the errant or scammy messages you receive and forget them!

 --  JG

 James Guilford, I.T. Manager
 Westlake Porter Public Library 

 -----Original Message-----
 From: "Jenelle Hesterman" <hesterje at oplin.org>
 Sent 10/25/2012 6:33:37 PM
 To: oplinlist at lists.oplin.org
 Subject: [OPLINLIST] Possible scam/ hacker/ virus?

Hello all, I've been getting this email recently reading, "This is to notify you that you are over your mailbox limit which is 250MB as set by your mailbox manager, you are currently at 257MB, you will not be able to create new e-mail to send or receive messages until you validate your mailbox. To re-validate your account:LOGIN TO OUR MESSAGE CENTRE Help Desk" and the person who sent it is Yvonne.Gaylord at evergreenps.org to the li at li.com This doesn't seem very legit since my inbox is kept rather empty. Has anyone else been having this problem? This is twice now for me. Anyone have any ideas about what/ who this might be? Cheers! Jenelle Hesterman Program Coordinator Napoleon Public Library Napoleon, Ohio 43545 _______________________________________________ OPLINLIST mailing list -- OPLINLIST at lists.oplin.org http://lists.oplin.org/mailman/listinfo/oplinlist http://aboutbooks.info -- Search for author, title, subject... anything about books. ����������
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