[OPLINLIST] Summer Reading Comic Artist

Jen Farrell circ at huroncolib.org
Tue Apr 7 16:08:02 EDT 2015

Good day all!

Some of you asked for the contacts I received when I inquired about a
graphic artist or comic book person for summer reading. I thought I would
 just share it on the server to hit those that asked.

Terence Hanley   hanleyart at yahoo.com
Mike Leuszler     mike.leuszler at gmail.com
Jeff Nichols
Chris Yambar
Stephanie Miller    419-602-1915
JD Williamson      800-453-3729
Ralph Bacon         440-992-3886
Ed Burkholder      419-447-3140

I am certain I will find someone great in the leads that were shared.
Thanks everyone!


Library Assistant- Adult Programming
Huron County Community Library
-Willard Memorial Library
6 W Emerald St
Willard, Oh 44890
luckykat01 at gmail.com or circ at huroncolib.org

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