[OPLINLIST] Soft skills earn hard-won results

SWON Info info at swonlibraries.org
Thu Apr 30 16:03:33 EDT 2015

At Take 5 
last Friday, Chris Lottman 
gave a great talk on emotional intelligence, using resources from the 
Yale Center for Emotional Intelligence 
<http://ei.yale.edu/ruler/ruler-overview/>. She introduced a simple mood 
chart to track energy (low to high) on one axis and feeling (unpleasant 
to pleasant) on another, and she discussed how to use it when you're 
working with groups of people. (You can find all the slides and handouts 
from Take 5 on the Take 5 Resources page 

To begin with, you should do quick self-assessments. If you're feeling 
pretty neutral on the pleasantness scale and really low on energy, for 
example, that's a symptom of being tired. If you're about to lead a 
program, you may not need to /get happy/, but you do need to raise your 
energy level. Some physical movement can help with that.

If you're setting up a program, and you see some people walk in who seem 
to have a lot of energy and are really happy and excited about what 
they're doing, that's great! Too much energy, though, can make it 
difficult for them to pay attention and stay engaged. Lowering their 
energy level, even with just a couple deep breaths, can help them focus.

Emotional intelligence <http://ei.yale.edu/> isn't like IQ; your 
emotional intelligence can grow throughout your life. You can get better 
at recognizing your current state and the state others are in and use 
smart strategies to help programs and interactions go better. It's not 
rocket science, but it is science, and it's very useful.

  * Nathan Swartzendruber, SWON Technology Educator


    Soft skills, earnest work at the Staff Training Symposium

SWON is glad to offer several sessions at our Spring Staff Training 
Symposium that can help build your emotional intelligence. Developing 
these skills takes practice, just like any other skill. Considering that 
librarians constantly work with people, people-skills prove their value 
every day.

/We're bringing experienced professionals to help you improve your 
emotional intelligence, and with it, your communication and 
collaboration./ Come learn with us. Come practice with us. Sign up 
today! <http://swonlibraries.org/events/event_details.asp?id=526898&group=>


    SWON is ready to report!

Our Membership Meeting is a chance for SWON to tell you what we've 
accomplished and what we're working toward. We want you to know so that 
you can participate with us and help us chart SWON's course. We 
especially need current Supporting Members to attend to vote on SWON's 

Come for lunch and hear a talk on /Design Thinking for Libraries/ from 
Cindy Tripp, a nationally recognized expert on the subject. The 
Membership Meeting is less than a month away---May 26. Please plan to 
join us (and register 


    Nepal in crisis after earthquake

This week, central Nepal was shaken by its worst earthquake in 80 years 
with a magnitude of 7.8. It's an area sorely lacking in maps that are 
needed for aid groups to deliver help.

In two days, over 2,000 humanitarian mappers added over 13,000 miles of 
roads and 110,000 buildings 
<https://www.mapbox.com/blog/nepal-earthquake-animation/> in Nepal. Your 
patrons can help too. Learn how at next week's Level-Up Lab on 
Humanitarian Mapping 


    Coming up on the calendar

  * *Adult Planning and Services (Special Interest Group) Meeting
    May 4, 2015 - Dayton Metro Temporary Main Branch
  * *Hackathons: An Innovative Approach to Digital Instruction
    May 5, 2015 - Online
  * *More Than Crafts: Implementing Learning Activities and Experiences
    in Your Storytimes
    May 5, 2015 - Online
  * *Level-Up Lab: Teaching Patrons Humanitarian Mapping
    May 6, 2015 - SWON Meeting Room
  * *ROYAL Literature Review (Special Interest Group) Meeting
    May 6, 2015 - /Campbell County Public Library, Newport Branch (change)/
  * *Spring 2015 Staff Training Symposium
    May 12, 2015 - Dayton, Ohio
  * *What We're Reading for Fall 2015: Staff Favorites from Penguin
    Random House Library Marketing
    May 12, 2015 - Online
  * *ROYAL Literature Review (Special Interest Group) Meeting
    May 12, 2015 - /Location TBA/
  * *Power Searching: databases and the hidden web
    May 13, 2015 - Online
  * *We've Got Diverse Books: New Multicultural Titles for Children and
    May 14, 2015 - Online

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