Tim Burns tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us
Thu Jan 15 11:49:18 EST 2015

[edited version]
On Jan 15, 2015, at 11:30 AM, Tim Burns <tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us<mailto:tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us>> wrote:


I have deployed All-in-one boxes



These have cameras available.

The Macs are in use as Word Processors / multimedia workstations, and are pointed to a server instead of a gateway …so they are on the LAN but don’t know how to get on The Internet.

The ASUS boxes are AWE literacy stations and are not on the network at all.

If a patron asked if they could Facetime/Skype, for example, their child deployed in Afghanistan it would be a fairly simple config to make that happen…

Tim Burns
tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us<mailto:tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us>

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