[OPLINLIST] Grants for building projects

Klettlinger, Katy kklettlinger at library.ohio.gov
Thu Jun 11 13:02:45 EDT 2015

Hi Janelle,

A potential grant opportunity would be from the Ohio History Fund (https://www.ohiohistory.org/preserve/local-history-office/history-fund).  This fund provides grants on an annual basis to organizations looking to preserve museum/archival collections and historic buildings.  Your project would qualify because the construction would be used to house a historic artifact.

The program has actively tried recruiting public libraries to apply.  I was a panel reviewer earlier this year, and we only had a few applications from public libraries.

If you have any additional questions, feel free to contact me.


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Katy Klettlinger
Library Consultant
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From: Janelle Thomas [mailto:j.thomas at swantonpubliclibrary.org]
Sent: Wednesday, June 10, 2015 3:44 PM
To: Oplinlist
Subject: [OPLINLIST] Grants for building projects

I thought I'd ask the collective brain if anyone is familiar with grants for building projects. The potential idea is to construct a building / add on to our building to house the A.D. Baker Steam #1 Steam Engine. A.D. Baker invented a type of steam engine, his home is across the street from us, and we have a very active local railroad club. The hope is to also move the old Brailey Depot back to our block and the village would partner in that capacity. The machine is currently housed at a local museum.

Any thoughts? Has anyone had a similar project experience that they wouldn't mind sharing about?

Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!

Best wishes,

Janelle Thomas

Swanton Public Library

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