[OPLINLIST] United for Libraries invites Trustees to become Library Census Champions

Janelle Thomas jthomas at norweld.org
Thu Sep 19 16:06:26 EDT 2019

For those who may be interested:

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From: "White, Shannon (MDE)" <WhiteS29 at michigan.gov>
To: michlib-l <Michlib-l at mcls.org>
Date: Wed, 18 Sep 2019 20:42:04 +0000

Subject: [Michlib-l] United for Libraries invites Trustees to become
Library Census Champions

*Sign up by Oct. 1 to join free launch webinar Library Census Champions*

United for Libraries, the American Library Association (ALA) Public Policy
and Advocacy office and the Census Counts campaign launched Library Census
Champions, a new network of state, local and tribal library Trustees
helping their libraries and communities prepare for the 2020 Census.

“As elected and appointed leaders, library Trustees are uniquely positioned
to ensure a fair and accurate count of their communities in the 2020
Census,” said Beth Nawalinski, executive director of United for Libraries

Census data are used to make decisions about how and where to spend more
than $800 billion each year for services and programs communities rely on,
including federal funding for libraries. The Census is also the basis for
drawing districts for federal, state, and local offices.

“With so much at stake for everyone,” said Nawalinski, “United for
Libraries is equipping Trustees for this once-in-a-decade chance to show
that everyone in their communities can count on libraries – particularly
those most in danger of underrepresentation and underfunding.”

Elected and appointed library Trustees can sign up to become a Library
Census Champion at http://bit.ly/LibraryCensusChampions . Library Census
Champions will receive free information, resources, and actions to take to
ensure a fair and accurate census.

United for Libraries will host a free live webinar to introduce the Library
Census Champions initiative on *Tuesday, Oct. 1, at 2:00 p.m. (EDT)*. The
webinar is free for library Trustees who would like to learn more about the
project. To register for the webinar, visit www.ala.org/united/censuswebinar

For more information on ALA efforts to support a fair, inclusive and
complete count in the 2020 Census, visit www.ala.org/census .

To connect on social media, follow @ala_united, @ALALibrary,
#CountOnLibraries, #2020Census.

United for Libraries
The Association of Library Trustees, Advocates, Friends and Foundations
A division of the American Library Association

Janelle Thomas
Executive Director

181 1/2 S. Main Street
Bowling Green, OH  43402
Office: 419-352-2903 X1001
norweld.org <http://www.norweld.org>
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