[OPLINTECH] Open Office Software

shivelri@oplin.org shivelri at oplin.org
Wed Jan 23 10:56:31 EST 2008

Here's a couple of things I have to ask after reading all these 
responses (thank you all for replying by the way):

First, where do I get MS Office for $15? or even for just $55?

Second, we have a tight budget and 35 computers now and will have about 
50 by this time next year, at $15 a computer thats $750 when there is an 
option for a $0 product. Is it really beneficial to buy an Office 
software when the majority of users are just e-mail, browsing, or gaming?

Finally, for those of you using OOo: Have any of your patrons said, "I 
can't use this /because/ it is OOo." or is more of a they have never 
even used a Office suite in the first place.

Richard Shively
Greenville Public Library
520 Sycamore, Greenville Oh. 45331

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