[OPLINTECH] MSFT/OpenOffice debate

Chip Kruthoffer c.kruthoffer at lanepl.org
Wed Jan 23 12:13:59 EST 2008

We struggle with the issue of MSFT Office [latest version] vs. OpenOffice,
too, and I have little to add to the good points that have been made on both
sides of this issue. What little I do have to add:

1) The move to ".docx" from ".doc" is a major annoyance. Yes, there is the
file converter, which is free, and even works for OpenOffice, but what real
value has been added or the majority of users by this change to XML? And the
move to the "ribbon" menus?

2) For the vast majority of users, Writepad, Notepad (or simply) serves most
needs. I steer users to GoogleApps or Zoho or any number of other evolving
services in the cloud when its appropriate. Same for Excel, though I do find
I personally need to use genuine Excel more often than I'd like.

3) Heck yeah, MSFT Office ties you to the whole MSFT platform! Are we ever
(as a society, not just as libraries) ever going to get off that train? To
me, it isn't as simple as saying "Libraries get Office cheap, only $60, just
install it".
"And patch it".
"And lock it down via Group Policy"
"And upgrade it every 3 years"
"And make sure your clients are powerful enough to run the latest version"

FWIW, we still run Office XP on most public and staff clients on aging MSFT
2000 and XP machines. We provide some free public classes for Office, and
Excel is the class that draws the most students. We moved to GoogleApps in
April 2007 and most staff are in the process of adapting to Google Docs and
Spreadsheets in place of traditional office activities. Personally, I use
Google Apps, OpenOffice and, only as necessary, Microsoft Office.

Chip Kruthoffer, Head of Systems
Lane Public Library ~ http://www.lanepl.org
1396 University Blvd. (Admin. Center)
Hamilton, Ohio 45011
Phone: (513) 785-2706 ~ Fax: (513) 894-6558
Email: c <dot> kruthoffer <at> lanepl <dot> org
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