[OPLINTECH] Reading Literacy System (software/OS ect)

Tim Burns tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us
Thu Jul 25 12:20:12 EDT 2013

Dear Folks, 

The Childrens Departments provides a workstation for young readers that is configured with a few software titles that encourage reading skills. The system is aging, as are the programs that run there. 

I have shown the Department Staff the alternative (free open source software) QIMO. http://www.qimo4kids.com This has piqued their interest. Wondering if there are "literacy" specific systems? I found Kiddix and doudou (sp?) when I searched... 

Has anyone built a "really cool" literacy oriented "kid" system? As with any public facing system, the less maintenance / interventions the better. 


Tim Burns 
Birchard Public Library of Sandusky County 
423 Croghan Street 
Fremont, OH 43420 
tim.burns at birchard.lib.oh.us 
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