[OPLINTECH] Thank you, Microsoft

Chad Neeper cneeper at level9networks.com
Fri Jan 15 14:25:21 EST 2016

Microsoft, in it's Infinite Wisdom, has just taken yet an even MORE
aggressive stance towards upgrades to Windows 10. If you have domain joined
Win7/8.x computers, but are not using WSUS and are instead configured to
get your updates directly from Microsoft, be warned. You're no longer
excluded from the Win10 nag and coming auto-upgrade


The silver lining is that Microsoft has also at the same time *finally*
documented a sanctioned method for blocking the nag and for preventing the
automatic upgrade from occurring as a Recommended Update via Windows
Updates. There is a registry change that can be made to stop it from
nagging and from auto-upgrading.


And, oh yeah...It's starting at the end of this month. So you better hurry,
if you like your Win7/8.x computers the way they are or if you haven't
confirmed that all of your applications will work correctly in 10.

Have fun.

*Chad Neeper*
Senior Systems Engineer

*Level 9 Networks*
740-548-8070 (voice)
866-214-6607 (fax)

*Full IT/Computer consulting services -- Specialized in libraries and
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