[Digihubsadmin] Kirtas and i2s relationship

Chatham Ewing chatham.ewing at cpl.org
Wed Jun 4 16:10:42 EDT 2014


The attached press release indicates that i2s has been the majority stockholder in Kirtas since 2011. 


----- Original Message -----

From: "Stephen Hedges" <hedgesst at oplin.org> 
To: digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org 
Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 2:06:43 PM 
Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] FW: Re: FADGI Compliance 

just so you guys know, Barry is not on this list, I have to approve anything he tries to post here, so he's not seeing our correspondence. 

----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Barry Kallander" <barry at kallandergroup.com> 
> To: "Jeff' 'Wale" <jeff.wale at toledolibrary.org> 
> Cc: digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 4, 2014 1:57:46 PM 
> Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] FW: Re: FADGI Compliance 
> Jeff, 
> Thanks for the message. I will discuss with i2S the lens question identified 
> by Chatham to see if that is an option, as well as any other concession. 
> To be clear, I didn’t say that i2S wasn’t being honest –I have discussed this 
> with the owners and senior executives at i2S and they continue to make the 
> point that Fadgi compliance has various levels (stars) and are relevant to 
> specific resolutions. The Suprascan is capable of various resolutions from 1 
> star to 4 star performance. I think that Kirtas made the assumption that 
> 600dpi/A0 was Fadgi 2 star. We have suggested to i2S that this be clarified 
> in their documents so one cannot draw an incorrect conclusion. 
> Regards, 
> Barry 
> Barry Kallander 
> KallanderGroup, Inc. 
> 978-562-0767 (office) 
> 978-790-1902 (Mobile) 
> 646-219-3304 (Fax) 
> barry at kallandergroup.com 
> www.kallandergroup.com 
> From: Wale, Jeff [mailto:jeff.wale at toledolibrary.org] 
> Sent: Wednesday, June 04, 2014 1:09 PM 
> To: barry at kallandergroup.com 
> Cc: digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org 
> Subject: FW: [Digihubsadmin] FW: Re: FADGI Compliance 
> Hi Barry, 
> Thank you for the call this morning. To summarize (and to bring all partners 
> up to speed for tomorrow’s call) . . . . . 
> · No need to send Bart back to Toledo to run a 600 dpi @ A1 – we will run a 
> test and email it to Don, if needed. 
> · You understand how we were led to believe the scanner would pass at 600 dpi 
> @ AO size and acknowledged that i2s wasn’t completely honest on their 
> website specs (you don’t have to acknowledge this is email). It was only 
> after speaking to i2s that you learned of the A1 size limitation. 
> · I shared with you that Don Williams has tested other OEM scanners and they 
> passed FADGI-2 at 600 dpi @ A0 size. He did tell me that the 2xAO HD is too 
> large to pass. 
> · In preparation of tomorrow’s conference call, you will talk to i2s to see 
> if they have an alternative lens (see Chatham’s email below) or some other 
> good faith effort for Toledo to waive the requirement – such as extending 
> the maintenance from 1 to 2 years or providing technician level training at 
> no cost. Note: I cannot speak for the other partners -- each will make their 
> own decision on what’s best from them. 
> I look forward to resolving this matter quickly and moving on to transferring 
> maintenance. 
> Thank you, 
> Jeff 
> From: Chatham Ewing [ mailto:chatham.ewing at cpl.org ] 
> Sent: Tuesday, June 03, 2014 4:09 PM 
> To: Wale, Jeff 
> Cc: digihubsadmin ( digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org ) 
> Subject: Re: [Digihubsadmin] FW: Re: FADGI Compliance 
> Jeff, 
> I noticed that the lens on the scanner was a Rodagon. Which Rodagon was it? 
> Was it a 50 (for 24×36 mm film)? Was it the one with six element lenses? And 
> I wonder if the scanner would perform any better with a higher end eight 
> element lens?Or if that's even possible on this scanner. 
> Rodagon lenses specs: 
> http://www.rodenstock-photo.com/mediabase/original/e_Rodenstock_Printing_CCD_43-62__8230.pdf 
> Chatham 
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