[Digihubsadmin] Digihubs Admin list

Stephen Hedges hedgesst at oplin.org
Wed May 21 16:09:18 EDT 2014

You should have just received a message informing you that you have been added to the "digihubsadmin" list. But in case you didn't, I'm copying this to your personal email address, so you can let me know if I need to fix something.

Send messages to digihubsadmin at lists.oplin.org.

I only included the people who were on our call. If you would like to add someone else, then  1) let that person know they are about to be added to this list, and  2) tell me to add them.

Thanks, that was a very good call we had a few minutes ago.

Stephen Hedges, Director
Ohio Public Library Information Network (OPLIN)
2323 W. Fifth Ave., Suite 130, Columbus, OH 43204
614-728-5250  ::  hedgesst at oplin.org

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