[Dplagroup] DPLA Service Hub Information

Kupfer, Shannon skupfer at library.ohio.gov
Fri Jan 23 08:09:22 EST 2015

Good morning all,

In yesterday's meeting I mentioned having spoken with Jason Roy in Minnesota last fall regarding his experience as a DPLA Service Hub.  He was kind enough to send me a copy of the data exchange service agreement they use with their participants, which I have attached to this email.  He also answered a handful of questions regarding his experience with DPLA; you'll find those notes below.  Also below are the notes Jillian took when she spoke with representatives from the DPLA Service Hub in North Carolina.  While we are fortunate to have Terry in our group to share his experience, with these contacts we are able to see a bigger picture of what this project might look like.

Jason Roy in Minnesota expressed his willingness to speak with our group, or other interested parties, again, and I would imagine we could expect the same willingness from the representatives in North Carolina.  Jason's email is jasonroy at umn.edu<mailto:jasonroy at umn.edu>, and the North Carolina reps are Lisa Gregory (gregoryl at email.unc.edu<mailto:gregoryl at email.unc.edu>) and Nick Graham (ngraham at unc.edu<mailto:ngraham at unc.edu>).

>From Jillian:

North Carolina program is administered by staff at the University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill

*        DigitalNC is similar to Ohio Memory, contains content from 150 institutions

*        DIgitalNC staff is aggregating the metadata for all NC institutions

Finding participants for the project

*        DigitalNC met with medium/large colleges and universities and public  libraries within the state

o   They only had pushback from one university - they still have not joined.

o   Other institutions may not have joined due to lack of awareness.

*        Currently have 14 data providers (their partners)

*        Once they were all on board they then approached DPLA to start the process of becoming a service hub.

*        I believe that they have institutions sign a contract, but they did not provide a copy.

Staff time

*        Lisa, Nick and their programmer, Stephanie Williams, are the primary staff working on the project

*        It sounds as though the initial investment in staff time was high, but has lessened as they have moved further along in the project.

o   Initial time investment was spent working with institutional metadata and developing style sheets for each institution

Their startup process and workflow are as follows:

*        The best description of their process can be found here: http://www.dlib.org/dlib/july14/gregory/07gregory.html

*        They selected REPOX data harvesting software for collect the OAI feed from participating institutions

o   Process takes approximately an hour

o   Run the harvest once a month

*        They determined that most of the instructions around the state were using the Dublin Core metadata schema, but were concerned about its extensibility.

o   Also, most institutions were using CONTENTdm, which made the process slightly less complicated for them.

*        Eventually they determined to crosswalk to MODS for data being delivered to DPLA.

My notes from the conversation with Jason in Minnesota (by the way, Jason has offered to get his programmer in on conversations to provide technical details):

Minnesota has a two-tier system, which is administered by University of Minnesota:

*        Minnesota Digital Library is similar to Ohio Memory, with content from smaller institutions

*        University of Minnesota also aggregates metadata from larger entities who are not members of MDL

Finding participants for the project:

*        Early in the project, Jason contacted potential members, but now he is frequently contacted regarding participation

*        He finds that institutions contact him now because they have heard that their counterpart elsewhere is participating in DPLA

Staff time:

*        Jason spend 50% of his time on the DPLA project as a project manager, and he has a programmer 50% of the time

*        He anticipates that, over time, this will taper off; he called it a "burst," which he then thinks will move towards sustainability

Cost to participants:

*        He's been contacted by North and South Dakota, who are interested in using Minnesota to aggregate their metadata, as well

*        If this happens, they are exploring a pay-to-play model; Minnesota provides funding to cultural heritage institutions via sales tax revenues, which shouldn't be spent on outside entities

Their startup process and workflow are as follows:

*         They use a data exchange agreement, which allows them to harvest metadata.  It also describes how the metadata will be provided, and includes terms for ending the agreement (a sample data exchange agreement is attached)

*        Many institutions are either using Dublin Core or something that looks very similar (no MARC records, for example), so extracting metadata has been relatively simple

*        Non-DC metadata gets crosswalked (via custom crosswalk built by programmer on staff)

*        Metadata is enhanced (Geonames for tagging locations and other enhancements or additions/clarifications/standardizations)

*        Amazon S3 bucket is used for metadata transfer

*        The process to get members on board takes about 9 months (data exchange agreement makes up the bulk of this time)

*        A sandbox environment has been set up for participants to play around first

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.  Again, after these phone conversations both OHS and the State Library have determined that playing the role of service hub is not something we can do.  Neither of us has the resources.  But we're both happy to support OhioLINK in any way you like.


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Shannon Kupfer
Digital and Tangible Media Cataloger
Research and Catalog Services
State Library of Ohio
274 E. 1st Avenue
Columbus, OH 43201
Tel: 614-995-4115
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