[Dplagroup] DPLA in Ohio planning update

Angela Oneal aoneal at columbuslibrary.org
Tue Mar 3 09:42:35 EST 2015

Hi everyone,

We are closing in on a budget and draft proposal for the DPLA planning grant. Here are some updates:

1) A proposal from Tom and Liz is attached.

2) In addition, Emily Gore from DPLA is interested in being part of the project. I think it would be great to have her help guide our planning efforts since she is who we will be working with on DPLA. ?Emily looked at Tom/Liz's proposal and estimated her part in the project to be 3 visits to Ohio, each 2 or 3 days for an estimated $3K each. (She is only charging travel cost, not time).

3) I've worked with the Finance Division here at CML and we are all set as the fiscal agent.

>From all of you, I need:

1) Feedback on Tom/Liz's proposal. Are these the right components? Does this capture what we've been talking about as a group? What are we missing?

2) If you haven't sent your letter of support yet, please get it to me this week.

Thank you!


Angela O'Neal ? Manager
Columbus Metropolitan Library ? Genealogy, History & Travel
96 S. Grant St. ? Columbus, OH 43215

614.849.1243 office ? 614.314.7890 cell
aoneal at columbuslibrary.org<https://by2prd0611.outlook.com/owa/redir.aspx?C=p3OjiV8sa0qVLyZbqhpwkQkV41plSNAILeQw4U9nOXZIILbZs1dj0wRsFGXk7Ae7LwNzitH8KOA.&URL=mailto%3aaoneal%40columbuslibrary.org>
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