[NORTHSTAR] Northstar Site Admin Training - Recording, Slides, and FAQ

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Dec 1 16:18:31 EST 2021


For folks who did not make it yesterday, and for folks who would like a
refresher, here is a link to the recording:

A rough version of the slides is attached.  I am working on getting a nice
copy, which we will post on the resource page we are building for you that
is specific to our Ohio implementation.

Please remember, you need to complete the survey to get your Admin

All of the folks who have completed the survey and indicated that they are
ready (or at least ready to dig around a little) should have their
credentials.  I am still working through follow-up with everyone who asked
questions in the survey.  If you had a question and you have not heard from
me, I should get back to you soon.

I also promised you an FAQ version of the chat conversation in yesterday's
training.  I will be sending that out separately, likely tomorrow.

Thanks again for all that you are doing to help your patrons and your staff
make digital literacy easier!


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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