[NORTHSTAR] Northstar Site Admin Q&A from Chat

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Thu Dec 2 19:14:29 EST 2021


Here are the questions I noted from the chat during Tuesday's webinar, and
the relevant answers.  There was not a complete chat transcript for the
recording, so if I missed your question, please let me know.

*Q: How many administrators can each library have?*
A: Each library can have 3 total administrators (note: one of those
administrators is automatically designated to OPLIN as the group account

*Q: Which assessment modules have corresponding self-directed learning
A: There are currently six modules available; others are in development:

   - Basic Computer Skills
   - Internet Basics
   - Using Email
   - Windows
   - Microsoft Word
   - Career Search Skills

*Q: How often are assessments reviewed and updated by the folks at
A: Each assessment is reviewed thoroughly at least once a year.  If you
notice content that seems out of date, please bring it to the attention of
the folks at Northstar.  They can do updates sooner if needed.

*Q: How long do the assessments usually take?*
A: Expect that most library staff will be able to complete an assessment
relatively quickly (maybe even as quickly as 5-10 minutes).  Folks with
lower digital literacy skills or lower English language skills may take
between 15-30 minutes for each assessment.

*Q: Is it required to use audio for the assessments?*
A: Assessments have written instructions and closed captioning, so if audio
is an issue, they are still accessible.

There were some additional questions from our post-training survey that I
will send in another message tomorrow.

As always, please let me know if you think of any other questions as well.


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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