[NORTHSTAR] Greetings and Training News

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Nov 16 16:03:22 EST 2021

Many thanks to each of you for agreeing to act as your library's Site
Administrator for the statewide implementation of Northstar Digital
Literacy. I hope you are as excited as I am!

I will be acting as our project manager for this implementation, so please
feel free to contact me at any time with your questions.

One of our main goals with this statewide implementation is to help all
library staff feel more confident in their role as digital literacy
resources in their communities.

We want to start that process by training you, our local Site
Administrators, on the Northstar product. That initial training will
be on *Tuesday,
November 30 at 10:00am *via GoToMeeting. You can register now at*
<https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/8533039>*. If you cannot attend in
real time, a recording and slides will be available shortly after the
event.  After you have attended or viewed the training, we will send you
the administrative credentials for your library.

Our second training event will be for all staff on *Thursday, December 9 at
1:00pm* via GoToMeeting. Anyone can register now at
<https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/8533051>*. Again, if staff cannot
attend in real time, a recording will be available shortly after the event.
After at least one staff member has attended or viewed the training, you
are welcome to start promoting your library's Northstar link.

To help you with those promotions, we will be preparing press releases, web
assets, and digital files for common sizes of printed promotional
materials. Those will be available after the first training session.

Additional training will be available for staff to review the learner
experience on Northstar. That will be on *Wednesday, December 15 at 2:00pm*
via GoToMeeting.  While that is not a requirement for local implementation,
we strongly encourage you to share that opportunity with your front-line
colleagues.  Registration is open now at
<https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/8533052>*, and a recording will be
available shortly after the event.

Finally, you may want to consider the opportunity to assist life-long
learners and job seekers by providing proctoring services with Northstar
Digital Literacy. It is easier than you think. An informational session
regarding proctoring the Northstar assessments will be on *Wednesday,
December 22 at 2:00pm* via GoToMeeting. Registration is now open at
<https://events.library.ohio.gov/event/8533056>*, and this session will
also be recorded.

Again, in summary:

   - *Site Administrator Training* - Tuesday, November 30 at 10:00am (
   - *General Staff Training *- Thursday, December 9 at 1:00pm (
   - *Learner Perspective Training* -  Wednesday, December 15 at 2:00pm (
   - *Proctor Training *- Wednesday, December 22 at 2:00pm (

Please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you in your
library's implementation beyond these trainings and the planned promotional
assets. We want to make this as easy as possible, and I truly believe that
you and your colleagues will find Northstar to be an invaluable resource
for serving your patrons moving forward.


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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