[NORTHSTAR] FAQ from Greetings and Training News

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Wed Nov 17 13:27:06 EST 2021


Thank you for your tremendous engagement with the roll-out of Northstar!

I have received many wonderful questions since the first messaging to this
list. Since more than a few folks may have the same questions, I wanted to
respond in an FAQ format.

*How can you reach me?*
Email is always great, but only if you have the correct address!  My
apologies, but I conflated my old email with my new OPLIN address in the
initial message to you all.  My email is christine at oplin.ohio.gov.  You can
also reach me directly via phone at 614-728-0227.

*What do we mean by "reviewing the Northstar implementation website for
Ohio public libraries" before the Site Admin training?*
We have the start of an implementation website at
https://www.oplin.ohio.gov/services/northstar, and you can expect more
resources to be posted there as we go along.  For now, you can just take a
look at the high-level explanation of Northstar, do an assessment or two,
and (if you like) peruse the slides from the previous webinar.

*How will "going live" work?*
After you attend the Site Administrator training, we will share your local
credentials so you can become familiar with the concepts that were covered
in the training.  But we highly recommend that you don't try to "go live"
(post the link publicly) until after you and/or your colleagues have
attended the General Staff training on December 9.

*Should you register if you know you can't attend in real time?*
It would be better if you waited for the recording, as we do have a limited
number of seats available. We will do our best to get the recording loaded
to our YouTube channel within 24 hours of the event.

*Do you need to sign up for all of the training sessions?*
No, you don't need to sign up for all of the sessions. We think that
attending all of the sessions will help you in your role as Site
Administrator, but if you are limited on time, please prioritize the
sessions in the order they will be presented: Site Admin, General Staff,
Learner Perspective, Proctor.

*Do you need to sign up for each one individually?*
Yes, it looks like there is not a quick-and-easy way to sign up for all
four sessions at once. (But if someone else has better knowledge of LibCal,
I would be glad to pass along your tips!)

*What was that training schedule again?*

   - Site Administrator Training - Tuesday, November 30 at 10:00am (
   - General Staff Training - Thursday, December 9 at 1:00pm (
   - Learner Perspective Training -  Wednesday, December 15 at 2:00pm (
   - Proctor Training - Wednesday, December 22 at 2:00pm (

As always, please let me know if there is anything I can do to support you
in your library's implementation beyond these training sessions and the
planned promotional assets. We want to make this as easy as possible, and I
truly believe that you and your colleagues will find Northstar to be an
invaluable resource for serving your patrons moving forward.


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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