[NORTHSTAR] Over 60 Libraries are Live on Northstar; DigitalSkillsOhio.org Launching Soon

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Apr 15 13:15:35 EDT 2022

Greetings from currently sunny Central Ohio,

Here are the Northstar updates for the last two weeks.

*Over 60 Libraries Are Live*

Congratulations the latest additions to the list:

   - Brown County Public Library
   - Coshocton Public Library
   - Greene County Public Library
   - Marvin Memorial Library <https://marvinlibrary.org/resources>
   - Mary Lou Johnson - Hardin County District Library
   - Pickerington Public Library
   - Westerville Public Library
   - Willoughby-Eastlake Public Library <https://we247.org/databases>

*Expected Launch for DigitalSkillsOhio.org by April 30*

With the addition of so many libraries to our "live" list this month, and
several more that are **very* *close to being live, we are expecting to add
a link to www.digitalskillsohio.org to the Ohio Web Library
<http://www.ohioweblibrary.org> Continuous Learning Resources by the end of
April.  If you are not live yet, your library link will direct to

Let us know if we can help you go live before the end of the month, so that
your local link can display for your patrons.

*Thanks, as always, for all that you do.*  Hope you have a great weekend!


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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