[NORTHSTAR] Looking Forward to 2022 with Northstar

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Tue Jan 4 10:56:07 EST 2022


Happy New Year! As we all consider new beginnings and fresh starts, this
may be the perfect time for your library to dive in and go live with
Northstar. Remember--what it means to "go live" with Northstar is entirely
up to you and your library

*We are here to help. Please let us know how things are going at your
library, and how we can support you:*
*https://forms.gle/26VfCXmMVikUnJhN7 <https://forms.gle/26VfCXmMVikUnJhN7>*

As you are thinking of how and when you would like to implement Northstar
at your library, here are a few resources for you to consider.

The Proctor Training recording is now available at

If there are any sessions that you want to review, all of the recordings
are available on the OPLIN YouTube channel:

Slides are available on the main Northstar information page on the OPLIN

Please keep in mind that we have a curated Quick Start playlist available
for colleagues to get up to speed in a short amount of time:

If you are ready to go live, we also have some new marketing assets
available for you at

*You will notice that a few of the new marketing pieces feature a new URL
for the public: *
*www.digitalskillsohio.org <http://www.digitalskillsohio.org>*

We have established that URL as a link to redirect traffic from the Ohio
Web Library to your local library. Visitors to that site will have a link
to "Find an Ohio Library," and that will give them the opportunity to
choose your library from a search list, much like they already do for
LinkedInLearning. If your library has not yet implemented Northstar,
visitors will still have the option to take an assessment, and they will
also have the option to look for other Ohio libraries that have Northstar.

The link to www.digitalskillsohio.org is live and functional, if you would
like to see how that works. We will link www.digitalskillsohio.org to the
Ohio Web Library when we have a critical mass of libraries that have opted
to "go live."
*Thank you for all that you do to serve the folks in Ohio, and thank you
especially for all of your efforts to support digital literacy skills for
your patrons.*


Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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