[NORTHSTAR] Digital literacy at PLA; More libraries are now live

Christine Morris christine at oplin.ohio.gov
Fri Mar 18 16:28:41 EDT 2022


Next week, I will be off to PLA to learn more about digital literacy,
digital equity, and digital inclusion.  I'm looking forward to sharing what
I learn!

In the meantime, I would be remiss if I did not give a shout-out to all of
the libraries that have gone live this week, including:

   - Cardington-Lincoln Public Library
   - Columbus Metropolitan Library
   - Jackson City Library
   - Shaker Heights Public Library <https://shakerlibrary.org/tech-learning>
   - Westlake Porter Public Library

While I am away, you can email any questions you have about Northstar (yes,
I will be checking email!) and you can use the Northstar Support link in
the Admin portal if you have any immediate concerns.

Take care, and see you later!

Christine Morris (she/her)
Digital Resources Manager
Ohio Public Library Information Network
christine at oplin.ohio.gov
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