[NORWELD-News] GROUP QUESTION - Mobile Beacon Hotspots

Morgan Paul mpaul at seolibraries.org
Thu Jun 20 16:06:11 EDT 2024

I am seriously thinking of cancelling all of ours.


We only have three, but we can’t get them returned.


I had one shut off last week, it came back today with a pill in the box, minus the cord and minus the barcode and all labels that it was ours.


I know we aren’t meeting their needs, but this service is problematic.







Morgan Paul, Director


St Marys Community Public Library

140 S Chestnut St

St Marys, Ohio  45885


 <http://stmarys.lib.oh.us/> smcpl.org









From: NORWELD-News <norweld-news-bounces at lists.oplin.org> On Behalf Of Janelle Thomas via NORWELD-News
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2024 8:50 AM
Subject: [NORWELD-News] GROUP QUESTION - Mobile Beacon Hotspots


Posting for a fellow NORWELDian:


"Has anyone used Mobile Beacon for their hotspot services?  I have not been pleased with our T-mobile services as of late and was looking at other viable options."




Janelle Thomas (she/her/hers) | Executive Director | The Northwest Regional Library System (NORWELD) | Phone: 419-352-2903 | jthomas at norweld.org <mailto:jthomas at norweld.org> 

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