[SOA] Cleveland Archival Roundtable November meeting

Leslie Cade lcade at clevelandart.org
Tue Oct 24 12:40:35 EDT 2006

Please excuse cross posting...

Cleveland Archival Roundtable Meeting
Meeting Topic: Relocating an Archive
Thursday November 16, 2006
6:30 - 8:30 pm
City Archives, City of Cleveland, Office of the Council
205 West St. Clair
Cleveland  44114

Cleveland City Archives will host the November meeting of CAR on
Thursday November 16, 2006.  Martin Hauserman has graciously agreed to
provide a tour of his new facility and will give us tips on how to plan
for and move an archive.  Other archives are in the planning stages or
have recently moved including Cleveland Clinic archives and the
Cleveland Museum of Art archives. Join us for words of advice from
archivists in construction zones.  This will be our last meeting before
the holidays.  We are looking for a great turnout!

Sandwiches and other refreshments will be provided by the Clerk's office
and the CAR steering committee. Street parking is available.
Participants are encouraged to carpool or park-and-ride if possible.

Please RSVP to Martin Hauserman at 216-664-3054 or
mhauserman at clevelandcitycouncil.org

**Become a dues paying member of the Cleveland Archival Roundtable**

CAR is your gateway to the worldwide archival community.  Through CAR
you can network locally and be updated on activities and issues of
interest to archivists in Ohio and in the wider archival community. Your
$10 annual dues provide the means for CAR to sponsor meetings,
workshops, and other activities in support of the local archival
community.  Please send your check to the Cleveland Archival Roundtable,
c/o William Barrow, Special Collections Librarian, Cleveland State
University Library, 2121 Euclid Avenue, RT 319A, Cleveland  OH
44115-2214.  Dues will also be accepted at the November meeting.

**Coming Soon! The CAR web site is being redesigned.  You will receive
the new address shortly**

**CAR Meeting Programming Note**

The Steering Committee is working on programming for future meetings
including the following topics:  The alphabet soup of electronic
records; archival security; film and video preservation; scanning rare
and fragile material - the Kirtas scanner at ICI (Chesterland, Ohio);
and records management services available through Cintas and other new,
local entrants into the records management field.

Leslie Cade
Archivist & Records Manager
The Cleveland Museum of Art
11150 East Boulevard
Cleveland, Ohio 44106
lcade at clevelandart.org

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