[SOA] Vote for the 2018 SOA Archives Month Poster Images!

Dalton, Melissa mdalton at co.greene.oh.us
Mon Apr 9 08:37:48 EDT 2018

It's that time, folks!  We have some fantastic submissions of "Hometown Heroes" for the 2018 SOA Archives Month poster, with 21 organizations participating this year.  Now we need your votes!  Voting will begin Monday, April 9, 2018 and end Friday, April 27, 2018.  Each person will vote for their top ten images by selecting/clicking on the image, which will highlight the selection in gray.  Once you've made your selections, click the arrow at the bottom on the page to record your vote.  Please note that you must choose ten images (no more or less) for your vote to be counted.  Additionally, we ask that you only vote once. Once voting is complete, the winner(s) will be notified via email.

To vote, please click here: https://bgsu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8eQuhoKZohtgX8p<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__bgsu.az1.qualtrics.com_jfe_form_SV-5F8eQuhoKZohtgX8p&d=DwMFAg&c=2VZYbtYJv2D8M43KsrFplYR_K_qvRt8ALW9zIemmNsU&r=b3CTc8C8DBKmZtulkaX8u-lqzlHbKAJ_MFB9hxp_JzA&m=NCZ5i_AdUXoILBKUcfXe2dPETGOwvoJx-LJPHj_euQk&s=FVgQaaNYBckFs2lLptLA5qvxzefiEp6YZqMAC6RnrN8&e=>

Thank you for your participation and Happy Voting!

The Archives Month Sub-Committee:

Elise Kelly

Lindy Smith

Melissa Dalton

Melissa Dalton
Public Outreach Coordinator
Greene County Records Center and Archives
535 Ledbetter Road
Xenia, OH 45385
Tel: (937) 562-6486
Fax: (937) 562-6485
Email: mdalton at co.greene.oh.us<mailto:mdalton at co.greene.oh.us>

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