[SOA] college archives and photos that used to go into yearbooks

Dean DeBolt ddebolt at uwf.edu
Mon Aug 28 15:52:08 EDT 2023

Our public relations staff are putting all their photographs into smugmug.
We were able for several
years to simply import them into our server to make them available.  One of
their staffers today asked
me why there were no 1999-2002 photographs on smugmug and I had to explain
that website did not
exist then and the office transferred thousands of negatives to us that are
unidentified or in no particular
order and we have not the staff to keep up with them.


Dean DeBolt, University Librarian (Professor)/University Archivist
UWF Archives and West Florida History Center
University of West Florida Library
11000 University Parkway
Pensacola, FL  32514-5750
ddebolt at uwf.edu;   850-474-2213

West Florida History Center is the largest and most comprehensive
history collection about Pensacola and the West Florida region.

Digital collections can be found at:  http://uwf.lyrasistechnology.org
and http://uwf.digital.flvc.org

If we've been of service, please let us know or our administration,
Dean of Libraries <sclark2 at uwf.edu>

On Mon, Aug 28, 2023 at 2:38 PM Barb Sedlock via OHIOARCHIVISTS <
ohioarchivists at lists.oplin.org> wrote:

> I was working with our alumni office recently to find photos from the
> past for an event they were organizing.  The alumni office person said
> that when working on class reunions, we are getting very close to the
> period where we stopped publishing yearbooks.  She wondered what
> future alumni offices were going to do about getting archival
> photographs for brochures and slide shows once the yearbooks are no
> longer a source.
> So that got me wondering, what do other Ohio colleges do about
> archiving recent digital photographs of campus events, ones that in
> the past would get published in yearbooks, but now may disappear into
> thin air after they are used for Twitter/X or Facebook or Instagram
> posts?  Does your PR office automatically give your archives access to
> those photos?
> Barb Sedlock
> bsedlock at defiance.edu
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