[SOA] NEDCC: Preservation Training Opportunities

Ryn Marchese RMarchese at nedcc.org
Thu Mar 30 12:25:14 EDT 2023

Greetings from the NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center<https://www.nedcc.org/>! NEDCC specializes in conservation treatment, digital imaging, audio preservation services, and preservation training. Below are preservation training opportunities offered by NEDCC in the upcoming months.

Training Opportunities
04/04 - Digitizing Scrapbooks
04/11 - How to Host a Community Scanning Day (FREE)
04/25 - Thinking Outside the Box When Boxing
05/02 - Writing Grants for Audio Preservation and Reformatting (FREE)
06/27-29 - Digital Directions Conference<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-pbkhid-l-a/> (online)

Digital Directions Conference (online) - https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/dd23

June 27-29: Join NEDCC for a comprehensive overview of digital preservation, presented by information professionals with deep experience in the preservation of cultural heritage materials. During three half-days of live, interactive, online training, participants will learn about good practices and practical strategies for creating and managing digital collections, and gain confidence in decision-making for the preservation of their digital assets. Visit the conference page<https://northeastdocumentconservationcenter.createsend1.com/t/y-i-nuikiik-l-d/> for more details.

*QUESTIONS? Contact: info at nedcc.org<mailto:info at nedcc.org>

*Get the latest updates on NEDCC's conservation and preservation work by following us on Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/nedccpreserve/>, Facebook<https://www.facebook.com/NEDCC>, Twitter<https://twitter.com/NEDCCInfo>, and LinkedIn<https://www.linkedin.com/company/1944833/>.

Ryn Marchese
Marketing and Social Media Coordinator
NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center
100 Brickstone Square
Andover, MA  01810
Andover Office: 978.470.1010

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