[SOA] Call for Mini Talks on Environmental Controls

James DaMico james.damico at gmail.com
Tue Oct 3 22:33:35 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

On November 9th, 2023 the Ohio Preservation Council would like to invite
you to share a mini presentation on how you have addressed environmental
controls at your institution in 2023, or what your upcoming plans are to
implement them in 2024 or beyond.  Please plan to share about 3-5 minutes
of content, including your introduction.  This is a chance to engage the
audience with a broad range of ideas from multiple institutions.

Recommended slide amount - 2-4 if needed (slides not required).

If you are interested in presenting on this topic, please complete this
form by October 23: https://forms.gle/Yzd6GZWAf6cvg3Mc9

For questions, please contact one of the Education & Programs (co-officers)

Amber Bales, Ohio State University
bales.94 at osu.edu

Eric Harrelson (interim co-officer), Miami University
harrele at miamioh.edu

Thank you!
Jim DaMico
Chair, Ohio Preservation Council

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesdamico
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