[SOA] Celebrate American Archives Month in Ohio with 2023 Poster

Emily Gainer erlockh at uakron.edu
Wed Oct 4 09:22:06 EDT 2023

Celebrate American Archives Month in Ohio with the 2023 Poster
[An image of the 2023 Ohio Archives Month poster. The text Land, Water and Air is in the center with an orange banner around it. Historic images surround the text.]<https://ohioarchivists.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023ArchivesMonth@2x-100.jpg>

October is American Archives Month! Each year, SOA creates a poster to recognize and celebrate Archives Month. The theme for 2023 poster is Land, Water, & Air: Transportation in Ohio. You can download and share a PDF of the 2023 Archives Month Poster.<https://ohioarchivists.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/2023_Archives_Month_final.pdf> Thank you again to all those who submitted images for consideration.

In keeping with this year's poster theme, during October the Advocacy and Outreach Committee will be highlighting transportation-related archives with Archives Spotlight<https://ohioarchivists.org/category/archives-month/spotlights/> blog posts.

SOA's Archives Month activity is managed by the Advocacy and Outreach <https://ohioarchivists.org/advocacy/> Committee. Questions? Contact the committee at archivesaoohio at gmail.com<mailto:archivesaoohio at gmail.com>.

Emily Gainer & Jane Wildermuth, SOA Marketing & Communications co-chairs

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