[SOA] Ohio Preservation Council seeks nominations for leadership slate

James DaMico james.damico at gmail.com
Wed Oct 11 08:03:19 EDT 2023

Dear Colleagues,

Ohio Preservation Council seeks nominations for the following open
leadership positions: Chair-Elect, Secretary, Finance Treasurer, Education
and Programs Co-Officer. Terms begin on January 1, 2024, and run for two
years. The names of the nominees shall be sent to all members of the Ohio
Preservation Council two weeks before the biannual meeting. Floor
nominations shall also be accepted at the November meeting. Each officer
shall be elected by majority vote at the November 9th, 2023 meeting.

If you are interested in running or would like to nominate a colleague,
please fill out this form: https://forms.gle/8c2i9omA2p2k8Mst8

A copy of the OPC by-laws is attached for your convenience.

Please contact Jim DaMico, OPC Chair, with any questions.
Jim DaMico
Chair, Ohio Preservation Council

Jim DaMico

LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesdamico
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