[SOA] You're Invited to Takeover the SOA Instagram

Emily Gainer erlockh at uakron.edu
Tue Aug 20 11:46:07 EDT 2024

You’re Invited to Takeover the SOA Instagram<https://ohioarchivists.org/instagram-takeover/>
The Marketing and Communications Committee invites you to takeover the SOA Instagram<https://www.instagram.com/ohio_archivists/> account!  An Instagram takeover is when someone takes over the posting on an Instagram account for a limited time to share content and interact with the account’s audience.
Read over the guidelines below and then sign up for a week<https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/18pOitDI-R7tsrp9ql_2ORVO7eTA9Wc4t7uE7U2S9MbM/edit?usp=sharing> that works for you.  These takeovers are intended to promote and share archives throughout the state!
SOA Instagram Takeover Guidelines

  *   Content should be archives-related about/from Ohio. This includes but is not limited to:
     *   University Archives & Special Collections
     *   Museum Archives
     *   Historical Society Archives
     *   Students studying archives
     *   Students with Archival Internships
  *   Takeovers will happen one work week out of each month (Monday-Friday)
  *   Posting at least once per day is encouraged but not required
  *   Posting includes posts on the page as well as stories. Take advantage of Instagram’s unique features such as polls, questions, and swipe ups to engage with the audience
  *   Examples and ideas for posts include but are not limited to:
Introduction of yourself and your repository
     *   Collection highlights
     *   Projects you're working on
     *   Public displays, exhibits, or events
     *   Behind the scenes
#ThrowbackThursday post
     *   Conclusion or Goodbye Post
  *   Hosts will be given the SOA log-in and can choose to pre-plan their content or post spontaneously
  *   It is recommended to use a mix of media (photos, videos, music if relevant, text)
  *   Use hashtags to increase engagement. Include #OhioArchives and #OhioArchivists with every post. Suggestions of other hashtags you may want to use:
        *   #ArchivesofInstagram
        *   #ArchiveDive
        *   #FromTheArchives
        *   #OnThisDay
        *   #MemoryMonday
        *   #TimeCapsuleTuesday
        *   #WaybackWednesday
        *   #FlashbackFriday
  *   Please use the account to like and respond to comments on the posts from your takeover
  *   Please do not follow accounts or like posts in the feed while logged into the account
Posts can be used to promote engagement with professional accounts, but not personal

Questions? Contact Emily Gainer<mailto:erlockh at uakron.edu> or Amber Bales<mailto:bales.94 at osu.edu>, co-chairs Marketing & Communications Committee<https://ohioarchivists.org/committees/marketing/>.

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