[SOA] Ohio Open Doors 2024

Carleton, Janet (she/her) carleton at ohio.edu
Thu Jun 27 09:13:25 EDT 2024

Note: Info on available stipends (first come, first served).

From: State Historic Preservation Office <shpo at ohiohistory.org<mailto:shpo at ohiohistory.org>>
Sent: Thursday, June 27, 2024 9:00 AM
To: Carleton, Janet (she/her) <carleton at ohio.edu<mailto:carleton at ohio.edu>>
Subject: [External] Ohio Open Doors 2024
View this email in your browser<https://mailchi.mp/d35435c0dc81/promoting-ohio-open-doors-9688170?e=baef517f22>
Ohio Open Doors 2024
Ohio Open Doors - Be a Part of It!

Ohio Open Doors is a biennial event that offers your organization the chance to show off buildings and spaces rarely seen by the public and offer new, one-of-kind experiences. If you participate, your event and organization will be promoted statewide, via the Ohio Open Doors website.

This year's event is September 6-15, 2024.

To participate:

  *   Hold at least one two-hour event anytime September 6-15, 2024.
  *   Ensure the event is free, open to the public, and abides by all laws and local ordinances concerning safety and access.
  *   Register your event(s) at: www.ohiohistory.org/host<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=ec77ef3784&e=baef517f22>.
  *   Registration deadline: August 1.
Why Host?

  *   Community Engagement: celebrate the unique history of your community and build community pride!
  *   Preservation Advocacy: renew appreciation of your community's historic places and the benefits of preserving them.
  *   Promotion and Exposure: share the stories of your historic places statewide through the Ohio History Connection and partner promotion of Ohio Open Doors.
  *   Cultural and Educational Impact: inspire visitors, both old and new, with the history and unique features of your places. Connect the stories of your places and properties with the history of Ohio and the nation.
  *   Networking Opportunities: partner with community leaders, local businesses, young people, educators, and property owners to host multiple Ohio Open Doors events in your community.
Stipends Available

  *   To help you promote your Ohio Open Doors event, Marketing Materials Stipends of up to $150 are available from the Ohio History Connection.
  *   Thanks to the Ohio Arts Council, we also have stipends so that you can add an arts component to your event, such as live music, a storyteller or other performer, and/or visual arts. Arts-Related stipends are up to $250.
  *   Marketing Stipends and Arts Stipends are available only on a first come first served basis. Register your event today!

  *   Visit the Ohio Open Doors at www.ohiohistory.org/host<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=d99c5b2bfd&e=baef517f22>
  *   Contact the State Historic Preservation Office of the Ohio History Connection: shpo at ohiohistory.org<mailto:shpo at ohiohistory.org> or 614-298-2000.
Ohio Open Doors is a partnership of the Ohio History Connection's State Historic Preservation Office<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=6a1dc1bf64&e=baef517f22>, the Ohio Arts Council<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=8ca11b6c97&e=baef517f22>, Heritage Ohio<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=25a7738758&e=baef517f22>, Ohio Tourism<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=9e83593b32&e=baef517f22>, and the Ohio Travel Association<https://ohiohistory.us14.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37ce5c8c24208a588c681edc5&id=4e5b8f17b7&e=baef517f22>. We all look forward to your participation!


State Historic Preservation Office
Ohio History Connection 800 E 17th Ave Columbus, OH 43211 USA
Phone: 614.298.2000 * Email: shpo at ohiohistory.org<mailto:shpo at ohiohistory.org>

Copyright (c) 2024 Ohio History Connection

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