[SOA] FW: ICA webinar: Marika Kesler's top tips for textile treasures, 7/10 free

Carleton, Janet (she/her) carleton at ohio.edu
Wed Jun 26 11:41:39 EDT 2024

From: Holly Witchey <Holly at ica-artconservation.org>
Sent: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 10:17 AM
To: Carleton, Janet (she/her) <carleton at ohio.edu>
Subject: [External] Marika Kesler's top tips for textile treasures

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Good morning,

I hope you're doing well.

Ready for some textile TLC? Join me and the fabulous Marika Kesler, ICA's textile conservator, for an online extravaganza you won't want to miss! Our program, delightfully titled "Sausages and Donuts: The Basics of Textile Support and Storage", will be coming to you live on Wednesday, July 10, from 10:30-11:30 am Eastern Standard Time. It's free, but you do need to register. Click here<https://go.levitate.ai/meeting/register/tZAqdeugrjkvH9IDosNvzsmn5usFub881oB8?t=2d01d2c6efa84fbbacac706e2cc0355b> to save your spot!

Marika will dazzle you with live demonstrations on handling textiles with care and crafting budget-friendly storage supports that resemble everyone's favorite breakfast treats - sausages and donuts! Whether you're managing museum relics, treasures from a historic society, or your personal vintage collection, Marika's got your back.

Feel free to bring your textile troubles to the screen - Marika will answer your questions and provide personalized advice on storing your beloved fabrics. This is your chance to solve the mysteries of textile storage in a fun and interactive way!


Holly Witchey, PhD

Executive Director

ICA-Art Conservation

2937 W. 25th St

Cleveland, OH 44113

holly at ica-artconservation.org<https://go.levitate.ai/?t=8a3de16640a64cfbb824e6e8b74e174f>


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