[SOA] Fw: Lyrasis Consulting- Free grant coaching sessions & project support

DRESSLER, Virginia vdressle at kent.edu
Thu Mar 21 08:57:43 EDT 2024

Perhaps of interest?

From: Katy Klettlinger <Katy.Klettlinger at lyrasis.org>
Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 2:02 PM
To: DRESSLER, Virginia <vdressle at kent.edu>

Ohio Colleagues,

In conjunction with the Public Library Conference in Columbus, Lyrasis Consulting<https://www.lyrasis.org/Leadership/Pages/Consulting.aspx> will hold free grant coaching sessions and project support questions adjacent to the conference venue on April 4th from 12 PM-5 PM. All area libraries, archives, and museums are welcome.

Assistance will be offered in determining grant strategies for potential projects and in beginning and carrying out projects in the following service areas:

  *   Digitization

  *   Disaster Preparedness & Response

  *   Environmental Monitoring and Preservation

  *   Project Management

  *   Records Management

  *   Space Planning

Lyrasis consultants Tom Clareson and Katy Klettlinger are excited to meet with you.

Registration for a free session is available at: https://outlook.office365.com/book/PLAConferenceBookingPage@Lyrasis.org/s/Sle6ZMKljkS3WGKvbMrMEg2

We hope to see you there!

~Lyrasis Consulting Services

Katy L. W. Klettlinger, MLIS (she/her/hers)

[A button with "Hear my name" text for name playback in email signature]<https://www.name-coach.com/katy-klettlinger>

Program Leader, Lyrasis Consulting Services
katy.klettlinger at lyrasis.org<mailto:katy.klettlinger at lyrasis.org>

Cell phone: 404-576-9099


Schedule a meeting with me using online booking!<https://outlook.office365.com/owa/calendar/KatyKlettlingerLYRASIS@Lyrasis.org/bookings/>

Applications are now open for the NEH Preservation Assistance Grants. View our webinar<https://lyrasis.aviaryplatform.com/r/125q81631r?access=MhaiGFE2RwulcjqomD63uQ==> recording to learn more!

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