[SOA] NEDCC: Upcoming Preservation Webinars

Ryn Marchese RMarchese at nedcc.org
Thu Mar 21 09:47:03 EDT 2024

Greetings from the NEDCC | Northeast Document Conservation Center<https://www.nedcc.org/>! NEDCC specializes in conservation treatment, digital imaging, audio preservation services, and preservation training. Below are preservation training opportunities offered by NEDCC in the upcoming months.

Full descriptions and registration are available online<https://www.nedcc.org/preservation-training/training-currentlist>. Webinars are available to registrants for three months after purchase. Free webinars are available on YouTube<https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLSqxpHY476Jy1ffYgdE6JahUxhHvoK155>.
03/26 - Introduction to Audio Preservation
03/27 - Overview of dPlan|ArtsReady (dplan.org<https://www.dplan.org/>) (FREE)
04/09 - Managing Moving Image Collections
04/30 - Writing Grants for Audio Preservation and Reformatting (FREE)
05/07 - No Budget Preservation Tips (FREE)
06/06 - Writing A Disaster Plan Course (2 sessions)

Digital Preservation Outreach & Education Network<https://www.dpoe.network/> (DPOE-N), as well as other organizations and state agencies, may provide scholarship funding for NEDCC's training programs. Contact them directly for details.
Ryn Marchese
Marketing and Social Media Coordinator


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