[SOA] ArchivesSpace Installation and IT Queries

Crawford, Meghan mcrawford32 at capital.edu
Wed Mar 27 15:14:03 EDT 2024

Good afternoon,

My name is Meghan Crawford and I am one of the librarians at Capital University where I recently took over management of our university archives and digital collections under the supervision of our Head Librarian, Matthew Cook.

Our institution has been in communication with our IT Department about acquiring and installing ArchivesSpace. At our latest meeting, IT asked if we might provide contacts for them to reach out to regarding the installation process, configuration settings, technical requirements, etc. to make the process as seamless as possible. I do not know if anyone would be willing or able to speak to their experience or direct us to someone who might be able to answer these questions? Additionally, if you have any recommendations on how best to estimate anticipated digital storage needs for one year, we would greatly appreciate it. We are trying to provide IT with an estimate of how much server space we might require for bringing our collections online (including finding aids, collection/item records, and digitized materials).

Thank you for your time and consideration.


Meghan Crawford
Institutional Memory and Scholarship Librarian
Blackmore Library
p 614-236-7259 | f 614-236-6490

Capital University
1 College and Main
Columbus, Ohio 43209

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