[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #148: Human/computer interaction
Bobbi Galvin
galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed Oct 14 12:39:59 EDT 2009
*OPLIN 4Cast #148: Human/computer interaction
*October 14, 2009
/4casting technologies that could have an impact on public libraries./
What's on the horizon for human/computer interaction? Are mice and
keyboards a thing of the past? Future computer use may be more about
touch than hitting keys and clicking mice.
One possibility for more intuitive interaction is to use the 10/GUI
multi-touch pad instead of using a keyboard or mouse. It sits on your
desk in front of your monitor. So rather than have one cursor on the
screen, you potentially have ten (one for each finger). To "click" you
apply pressure from one or many of your fingers. From resizing and
rearranging windows to opening programs, one touch does it all.
* 10/GUI <http://10gui.com/video/>
* 10/GUI: One Very Slick Desktop Multi-Touch Concept
The Microsoft solutions revolve around the multi-touch mouse, with which
you can touch, flick and pinch your windows instead of clicking on them,
and the elusive Microsoft Surface, that blurs the line between what's
virtual and what's real.
* Microsoft's Multitouch Mice are Weird, Amazing [Video]
* Microsoft Surface - The Possibilities
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Bobbi Galvin
OPLIN Customer Relations & Support
P: 1-888-966-7546
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