[OPLIN 4cast] OPLIN 4Cast #161: Location-based services

Bobbi Galvin galvinbo at oplin.org
Wed Jan 20 13:37:07 EST 2010

*OPLIN 4Cast #161: Location-based services *
January 20, 2010

  /4casting technologies that could have an impact on public libraries./

Location-based services are built into to most of our favorite online 
tools. For example, with our mobile apps or GPS, we can find nearby 
restaurants, theaters, gas stations, etc.

The value of shared location data will depend on the quantity of people 
sharing and the quality of the location-aware updates.  Services such as 
Twitter <http://www.twitter.com>, Loopt <http://www.loopt.com/>, 
Foursquare <http://foursquare.com/>, Gowalla <http://gowalla.com/>, 
Google and potentially Facebook <http://www.facebook.com> will give 
everyone the opportunity to share what they know about their location so 
you can judge for yourself where you want to go next.

With that in mind, libraries will want to consider how this will impact 
them.  Do you participate?  Do you follow up on comments that were not 
in your favor?  Do you give incentives for people to visit?

    * How Non-Profits and Activists Can Leverage Location Based Services
    * Location based services and Libraries - Tweets & Foursquare
      gives some good ideas how location-based services could be used in
    * Foursquare, Libraries, and Librarians
    * 6 Tips for Getting the Most out of Foursquare

*/Cool fact:/*
Location-based software has been used for the greater good in locating 
disaster survivors, during the Iranian election/debacle and on World 
Aids Day.

One such open-source product, Ushahidi, is there for disasters. "The 
Ushahidi <http://www.ushahidi.com/%20%20>engine is there for 'everyday' 
people to let the world know what is happening in their area during a 
crisis, emergency or other situation." It brings "awareness, linking 
those in need to those who can assist, and providing the framework for 
better visualization of information graphically."

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Bobbi Galvin
OPLIN Customer Relations&  Support
P: 1-888-966-7546

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