[OPLINLIST] What's New on NetWellness

Kishman, Charles (kishmacp) KISHMACP@UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:00:32 -0500

What's New on NetWellness- December 1, 2003

Feature of the Month: Holiday Safety

The holiday season is a time for family and friends, a time of happiness and
joy. NetWellness wishes you and yours all the best at this festive time of
year. To help, we are providing information we hope will help make your
season a happy and healthy one. Best wishes from all of us at NetWellness
for this season and the New Year.

Feature College: Optometry

The College of Optometry at The Ohio State University is the only optometry
program in the state of Ohio.  It is internationally recognized for research
in the areas of ocular physiology, contact lenses, infant and children's
vision, vision rehabilitation, keratoconus, visual psychophysics, and visual
Dr. Robert D. Newcomb, Professor of Clinical Optometry, and his team of
optometric experts have answered over 800 NetWellness questions in the past
five years in the area of Eye and Vision Care. 

The OSU College of Optometry, the oldest university-based optometry program
in the nation, was the first public university to grant the Doctor of
Optometry (OD) degree. Its mission statement reads:

To educate and train individuals to become optometrists having the highest
skills and most current knowledge through its graduate professional
curriculum; to pursue new knowledge in ophthalmic and vision sciences
through its research  programs; to provide service to the community through
its clinical programs in  optometric care; and to provide post-graduate
residency and continuing education programs that  enhance skills and promote
life-long learning. 

New Topic: Schizophrenia

The newest topic added to the NetWellness long list of Ask an Expert areas
is Schizophrenia.  Schizophrenia is a major mental illness, a brain disease
that can affect many different parts of a person's life.  About 1% of the US
population, or 1 person in 100, has schizophrenia. P. Eric Konicki, MD, an
Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry at the Case Western
Reserve University is available to answer your questions concerning this
devastating mental illness.

New Experts

NetWellness would like to welcome Dr. Cynthia Green, OD from the College of
Optometry at The Ohio State University and Dr. Robert P. Friedland, MD from
the Department of Neurology at Case Western Reserve University to the
NetWellness team. Dr. Green will be answering questions in the Eye and
Vision Care area of NetWellness. Dr. Friedland will be answering questions
on Alzheimer's disease. 

New Articles - Eye and Vision Care

Check out four new articles on eye and vision care. Dr. Cynthia Green has
written "More Than Meets the Eye", "Eye Disease:  Are You At Risk?", and
"Eye Health and Diabetes." Dr. Joseph T. Barr, O.D., M.S. from The Ohio
State University College of Optometry has contributed an article on
"Extended Wear Contact Lenses. "

Let Us Know How We're Doing

We are always trying to improve to meet your needs. What do we do well? What
can we do to better fit your needs? Please send your comments through our
"Feedback" feature and we'll get them into the right hands. Thanks again for
using NetWellness!

About NetWellness

NetWellness is a non-profit consumer health Web site that provides high
quality information created and evaluated by health professions faculty at
the University of Cincinnati, Case Western Reserve University, and The Ohio
State University. Started in June 1995, NetWellness was one of the first
health sites on the Internet.