[OPLINLIST] Literature Question
Keenehan, Deb
Tue, 30 Dec 2003 13:20:31 -0500
Following is a copy of an email that I received from a patron who is looking
for information about something he read as a youth. Thanks in advance to
anyone who can help with this request. Please email any information to
When I was a kid I remember a fairy tale that involved a young man seeking
the hand of the fair princess. To win her, he was solve three challenges.
The only one I remember was he had to carry a gallon of water using
nothing more than a piece of string. His solution? He froze the water. The
other two solutions were just as crafty.
Does any of this ring a bell? I search the net and was unable to find the
Any clues?
Deborah Keenehan
Head of Reference Services
Lima Public Library
650 W. Main St.
Lima, Ohio 45801