[OPLINLIST] State Library of Ohio Internet Classes
Jane Byrnes
Wed, 4 Aug 2004 07:51:33 -0400
News Release
State Library of Ohio Internet Classes
Free Internet training classes for state employees and Ohio residents are
available from the State Library of Ohio. These training classes will help
you to evaluate a web site and find web sites that are relevant to
work-related needs.
All classes are taught by State Library staff in the library's training room
at 274 East First Ave. in Columbus. Participants should have basic computer
skills including familiarity with the Windows environment and operation of a
mouse and computer keyboard.
A complete description of the classes, dates and registration form is online
at the State Library's web site http://winslo.state.oh.us under Services for
State Employees.
Classes available are:
Internet for Beginners is an introduction to terms and concepts of the
Internet. You will learn how to use search engines and finding aids to
locate information.
OhioLINK Databases explores free subscription databases courtesy of the
State Library of Ohio and the OhioLINK network. The research databases
subject areas include health, social sciences, computers, business and law.
While state employees can access all OhioLINK databases, there is limited
accessibility to OhioLINK databases for the general public.
Web Search Tools shows how to better use search engines to locate work
related information.
Doctor Who? Reliable Health Information using Internet Resources,
instruction in Internet resources for useful consumer health information and
"best" sites for answering health related questions.
Medical Research for Health Professionals is an in-depth look at databases
including Medline and PsychInfo for mental health, nursing and other
professionals who need to keep abreast of literature in their fields.
Finding Facts in American FactFinder is an overview of the wealth of data
available from the 2000 census with examples of specific searches.