[OPLINLIST] Employment Opportunity

Chris Long clong@plaincitylib.org
Tue, 02 Mar 2004 12:48:06 -0500

Plain City Public Library

The Plain City Public Library has an opening for the position of 
Assistant Director.  Responsibilities include developing, planning, and 
overseeing library programs; supervise reference and youth services; web 
site development; administrative aide to the Director and management of 
library operations in the Director's absence.  Some evenings/weekends 
and travel.  MLS with background in programming, two years supervisory 
exp. and significant reference exp. preferred.  The Plain City Public 
Library takes pride in its unique and innovative programs for all ages.  
Applicant must have excellent communication skills and ability to 
effectively plan, schedule and organize work in a fast paced environment.

Send resume, along with salary requirements and references, to:

Plain City Public Library
305 West Main St.
Plain City, OH 43064

or via email to clong@plaincitylib.org